Last update: 2016/09/28
Workshop on "Ethically Inspired User Interfaces for Decision Making in Automated Driving "
- 2016-07-17: Workshop accepted as half day workshop (9.00 AM-1.00 PM on October 24th, 2016) for the AutomotiveUI 2016 conference in Ann Arbor, MI, US.
- 2016-08-01: Initial version of the website online
- 2016-08-05: CfP online and distributed electronically
- Please note: Submission deadline for workshop papers is August 21st, 2016!
- 2016-08-18: 2nd CfP distributed
- 2016-08-18: Due to several requests, submission deadline extended until August 28th, 2016
- 2016-08-29: Submission system closed
- 2016-09-22: Submissions under review. Notifications will be sent out the coming weekend
- 2016-09-26: Notification letters sent to authors. 2 position papers accepted for the workshop
- 2016-09-28: Schedule and accepted papers published online (see:
- 2016-10-03: Due date for camera ready versions
Workshop objectives
In a brainstorming session during a recent seminar on future automotive user interfaces (Dagstuhl 16262,, a large number of mentions belonged to the broader field of trust, acceptance and ethics related to automated driving. In that seminar, we did not have time to discuss all of these topics, but we realized that there is no common understanding on terms and definitions and how to develop them for the future. As it turned out to be very controversial but also of high importance for the success of automated driving, we agreed to propose this workshop to concretize the topic. There are three central problem fields surrounding ethical issues in HMI for automated driving:
- How do we arrive at ethically sound decisions in everyday situations as well normative conflicting ones? How can such decision rules be translated into decision making algorithms for automated vehicles?
- How can ethically relevant decision making parameters be visualized in a vehicle to support decision making for humans (or in other words: Could there be a "speedometer" for ethics in automated vehicles?
- Who should be the one to make these decisions, especially in situations with potentially fatal consequences? Humans (strong intuition, unreliable, consistent with Asimov's first rule) or Machines (good at calculations, reliable, inconsistent with Asimov's first rule)?
Workshop organizers
Please feel free to contact one of the organizers (in no particular order) in case you have any workshop related questions.
Andreas Riener | Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany | ![]() |
Myounghoon "Philart" Jeon | Mind Music Machine Lab, Michigan Technological University, Michigan, US | |
Ignacio Alvarez | Intel Labs Hillsboro, Oregon, US | |
Bastian Pfleging | Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich, Germany | |
Alexander Mirnig, Manfred Tscheligi | Center of HCI at Salzburg University, Austria | |
Lewis Chuang | Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany |
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