Last update:2020/27/10

AutoWork 2020: Second Workshop on the Future of Work and Well-Being in Automated Vehicles - Virtual Workshop @ AutomotiveUI'20


  • 2020-27-10: Thank you for coming everyone! We had a blast! We gathered a list of collected recommended readings at Related Work! A write-up on the workshop is coming soon.
  • 2020-05-10: The date for the second session is now fixed, check Schedule   Materials!
  • 2020-16-09: We have extended the deadline for Video Submissions until the workshop! Check Submission, Dates   Templates.
  • 2020-07-08: "Kick-off" session date and time slot at AutomotiveUI'20 are now fixed! Check Schedule and Materials.
  • 2020-05-08: Initial version of the website online
  • 2020-11-07:Workshop proposal accepted at AutomotiveUI'20 - the ACM Conference Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, Virtual Event.


The gradual implementation of automated driving systems opens a wide range of opportunities for researchers and vehicle designers to transform vehicle interiors into a place for productivity and well-being. Former events held by the organizers have identified a research agenda to transform vehicles into a space for office work. This second edition of the workshop builds upon previous findings and focuses on initiating concrete research projects and fruitful cooperation between participants. In a two-session schedule tailored to fit the requirements of an online event, participants will define relevant user stories and elaborate experimental designs with measurable outcomes to contribute to the research roadmap.

Virtual Workshop

Given the constraints emerging from the virtual conference setting (lack of in-person activities, coffee breaks, dinners, etc.) we plan to use the one hour time slot provided at AutomotiveUI 2020 as "Kick-off Meeting" and accordingly proposed a two session format with an additional concluding online meeting (approximately 2.5 hours in length) held shortly after the conference. We believe this will help in a) preventing "ZOOM fatigue" by keeping the workshop short during the packed conference days, b) foster creative processes leading to more valuable results with the break between sessions, and c) producing tangible results with an extended second session.

Workshop Proposal Paper: is now available in the ACM Digital Library (Link)


Every AutomotiveUI'20 participant is invited to participate in the workshop sessions. Please make sure to register via the official conference registration system.

We also encourage every participant to submit a short introduction video of themselves. Head to Submission, Dates, Templates for more information. Suitable submissions will be listed on this homepage and all workshop participants encouraged to watch them.

Interested? (Mailing List)

If you want to stay up-to-date with this workshop (whether you can or you cannot attend) and related activities, make sure to enlist in our mailing list by filling this form (link).


Please feel free to contact one of the organizers (in no particular order) in case you have any workshop related questions.

Clemens Schartmüller Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), Ingolstadt, Germany; Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria AutomotiveUI 2020
Philipp Wintersberger CARISSMA, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), Ingolstadt, Germany
Andreas Riener Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), Ingolstadt, Germany
Andrew Kun University of New Hampshire, NH, USA
Stephen Brewster University of Glasgow, Glawsgow, United Kingdom
Orit Shaer Wellesley College, MA, USA

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