Last update:2020/08/03
CHI 2020 Special Interests Group: "Automated Cars as Living Rooms and Offices: Challenges and Opportunities" (Date: Apr. 27, 2020)
- 2020-03-17: Important Update on SIG Meeting organization in response to the cancellation of the "physical" CHI'20 conference.
- 2020-01-20: Special Interests Group proposal accepted at CHI'20 - the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA.
- 2020-03-30: Initial version of the website online
With increasing automation of the driving task, cars’ cockpits are transforming towards living spaces rather than pure modalities of transport. The promise of automated vehicles being individual places for relaxation and productivity while on-the-go, however, requires significant research. Not only safety-critical questions, but also issues related to ergonomic design, human factors for interactive systems, and social aspects have to be investigated. This special interests group presents an opportunity for connecting various CHI communities on these problems, which need to be solved under time-pressure, because automated vehicles are coming – whether or not the HCI-related issues are solved.
- 1. establish connections between different research backgrounds in order to identify and solve issues in the broader area of engaging in non-driving activities during automated driving.
- 2. lead to holistic discussions- thereby including societal, individual but also technological point of views, ultimately leading to a research agenda with concrete action points.
Remote Meeting
As the physical CHI'20 conference was cancelled, we are currently evaluating our options to hold our SIG meeting remotely. We are thinking about having a "stream watch-party", where video-presentations are streamed/replayed and authors will need to stay available for questions in a certain time period either on Slack or via a live streaming platform. Of course this will need to be aligned with the rest of the CHI organization - hence, please register to get timely updates in the below mailing list! To be prepared for all cases: record a short (3-5 minute) video with you presenting and submit it including your slides to clemens.schartmueller (at) !
Interested? (Mailing List)
If you want to stay up-to-date with this SIG (whether or not you can attend) and related activities, make sure to enlist in our mailing list by filling this form (link).
Invitation to present
To promote interactive discussion, we invite attendees to present their related research (or research questions) in a short presentation with a strict 5 minutes time-limit. If you want to do so, please submit your presentation as a video in .mp4 format up until April 23rd Midnight (AoE) to clemens.schartmueller at
SIG organizers
Please feel free to contact one of the organizers (in no particular order) in case you have any workshop related questions.
Clemens Schartmüller | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), Ingolstadt, Germany; Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria | ![]() |
Sayan Sarcar | University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan | |
Andreas Riener | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), Ingolstadt, Germany | |
Andrew Kun | University of New Hampshire, NH, USA | |
Orit Shaer | Wellesley College, MA, USA | |
Linda Ng Boyle | University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA | |
Shamsi Iqbal | Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA |
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