Last update:2017/08/03

Workshop: "CARobots: Automated Driving Systems as Robots on Four Wheels"


  • 2017-08-03: Workshop program slightly modified
  • 2017-07-26: Final workshop program available
  • 2017-04-17: Workshop accepted as half day workshop (9.00 AM-12.15 PM on Friday, September 1st 2017) as part of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2017) in Lisbon, Portugal.
  • 2017-04-19: Initial version of the website online
  • Please note: Submission deadline for workshop contributions is June 25th, 2017!
  • 2017-04-22: CfP online and distributed electronically

Workshop objectives

We argue that automated driving systems (ADSs) are robots on four wheels and the design of such vehicles is similar as the design of "traditional" robots. Questions, such as:

  • How to design ADSs that evokes trust in its drivers?
  • How to avoid overtrust?
  • How should ethics be programmed in an ADS?
  • etc.,
are closely related to similar questions asked in the domain of industrial robots or robots for human assistance. Then again, solutions of how to hand-over the control from an ADS to the driver and vice versa is interesting from human-robot interaction perspective. In this workshop we bring together researchers, designers, and practitioners in the field of ADS design and human-robot interaction. The aim of the workshop is to bridge the two communities by positioning paper presentations and group discussions. As special output, we strive for a special issue in a dedicated journal (e.g., Journal of Human-Robot Interaction).

Workshop organizers

Please feel free to contact one of the organizers (in no particular order) in case you have any workshop related questions.

Andreas Riener University of Applied Sciences (THI), Ingolstadt, Germany RO-MAN 2017
Alexander Meschtscherjakov Center for HCI, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
Alexander Mirnig Center for HCI, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
Manuel Giuliani Center for HCI, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
Manfred Tscheligi Center for HCI, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
Myounghoon "Philart" Jeon Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, US
Zhi "Jenny" Zheng Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, US
Chung Hyuk Park George Washington University, Washington DC, US

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