Last update: 2012/09/07

Methodical approaches to prove the effects of subliminal perception in Ubiquitous Computing Environments


  • 2012-04-14: Workshop accepted, Initial version of the homepage online.
  • 2012-04-19: Twitter account activated and online (see link on the right).
  • 2012-04-25: OpenConf submission system online (Submit!)
  • 2012-05-28: Submission deadline extension to June 7th, 2012 (23:59 PST)
  • 2012-06-15: Due to changes in the schedule we are still able to accept submissions. The submission system is open!
  • 2012-06-26: We are still waiting for some reviews before sending out the whole bunch of notifications... We will come back to you in a few days with the final decisions and thedetailed reviewer comments.
  • 2012-06-28: Don't worry about the camera ready version - we got a extension from the Ubicomp workshop chairs so that final workshop papers are due (sharp!) 25th of July.
  • 2012-07-03: Acceptance notifications sent out; we still accept position papers (Submit!) - rolling review.
  • 2012-07-03: Accepted papers are listed in the 'Schedule' section.
  • 2012-08-02: Workshop schedule updates (see here!)
  • 2012-08-02: We accept workshop participants without accepted position paper (i.e., "passive" participants); please register following this link (US-$ 120,00): UBICOMP 2012 registration
  • 2012-09-08: Workshop registration starts at 8AM (David Lawrence Convention Center, outside Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom)
  • 2012-09-08: The "Subliminal Perception in UbiComp"-workshop begins at 9.00AM (one of the rooms 302-318)
  • 2012-09-29: Photos from the workshop can be downloaded [here] (ZIP archive, 66MB)

Aim of the workshop

There has been much debate around perception of subliminal cues, and their effect on human behavior, especially whether such an effect indeed exists or is only a false marketing myth (e.g., James Vicary, 1957). As the prevention of additional cognitive workload in human-computer interfaces is a topic of increasing importance, new forms or modalities of interaction between humans and interfaces need to be explored. One promising approach is to use subliminal stimulation or the „injection“ of information below aware perception; however, it is still an open question whether subliminal communication through non-conscious processing actually works. Recent empirical research suggests the assumption that subliminal interaction techniques improve human-computer interaction by reducing workload undertaken by sensory channels, but another group of experimental researcher has found that it does not, or even cannot, work.

To throw light on this issue, the workshop is centered on the questions how subliminal effects can be scientifically supported or how a certain claim could be empirically refuted.

Workshop organizers

Please feel free to contact one of the organizers in case you have any workshop related questions.

Andreas Riener Institute for Pervasive Computing, Johannes Kepler University Linz Ubicomp2012
Myounghoon Jeon Sonification Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology
Miriam Reiner The Technion Virtual Reality and NeuroCognition Lab, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Pierre Chalfoun Universite de Montreal, Montreal (Quebec), Canada

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